“The jazz rebels” is a concert song from 35 years ago, from today, from tomorrow.

Henrik Andersen's musical career meets the theater and irony of Simona Zanini.

From blues to jazz, from Indian sounds to funky, from rap to operetta...

A jump into the past. When all you needed was a guitar and a few words that were the same for everyone.

Love, hope, anger, alliance...Music on the other hand is a beautiful story to tell.

“The jazz rebels” crosses squares like terraces, gardens like courtyards, rooms like the empty tubs of an old swimming pool...

And if you happen to meet another musician on the road, “The jazz rebels” breaks the repertoire and gambles.

Virtuosity and rhythm, lightness and percussion, melodic details and gestures of a dance that smells overseas.

“The jazz rebels” will never sound the same, yet you will feel like you know us because we sing about life.

We will record an album this summer


"In the beginning there was only the empty space, just like a blank canvas, who can explain that? The silence and suddenly the music..."

This is how the performance opens and reflects on the meaning of art and artistic life. The Danish musician Henrik Andersens in between autobiography and allegorical narration brings the love relationship to the stage most tortuous and irresistible: the relationship with one's vocation. Henrik, omniscient narrator and refined storyteller, evokes the appearance of one's own visions. Until talking with the last of the transfigured characters to ask her "What is art?"

Artistic idea: Out of The Box Teater
On stage: Henrik Andersen & Simona Zanini
Instruction: Solveig Weinkouff
Manuscript: Henrik Andersen
Music composed and performed by Henrik Andersen

Choreography: Simona Zanini
Costumes: Micaela Leonardi con Balaustio
Light design: Sebastian Just
Scenography: Simona Zanini
Photos and graphics : La Cameranera
Trailer: MadagascArt Prod
Produced by: Out Of The Box Teater
